Ian Hung

Ian Hung

Ian is a search ecosystem consultant at Google, focusing on bringing the latest modern web & search technology and solutions to partners & developers. Before joining Google, he worked as a frontend developer in a Vision AI startup, also interested in whisky and traveling.

WordPress Profile: @ianhung

Speaker Type: International

Topic Title: Web Vitals and WordPress: Essential Metrics for a Healthy Site and how to optimize

Topic Description: Performance is key to the long-term success for sites as it provides better quality of user experience. Whether you’re a business owner, marketer, or developer, Web Vitals can help you quantify the performance of your site and identify opportunities to improve. In this session, we’ll walk through the web vitals publicised by Google, also some tools and technics of how to measure and optimize your site performance.

Intended Audience: Developers, site owners, SEO experts


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