Niels works as a JavaScript Engineer for Automattic where he mainly works on the WooCommerce Blocks plugin. Outside work, he organizes WordCamps and WordPress Meetups both in Europe and Asia. After his study in computer science in Germany, he moved to the Netherlands, where he worked for several companies as a web developer and a business analyst. Since mid-2014 he’s been traveling through South-East Asia where he fights bugs between palm trees and rice fields.
WordPress Profile: @nielslange
Speaker Type: International
Topic Title: Spinning up a WooCommerce testing environment in seconds using a custom WP-CLI command
Topic Description: Creating a WooCommerce plugin is fun, but spinning up a WooCommerce testing environment isn’t! At least not, if you need to set it up manually. Setting up the WooCommerce testing environment manually requires the following steps: – Creating a WordPress site. – Installing and activating the WooCommerce plugin. – Installing and activating the WooCommerce Blocks plugin. – Installing and activating the Gutenberg plugin. – Installing and activating the Stripe plugin. – Installing and activating the Storefront theme. – Importing sample products. – Setting up payment methods. – Setting up shipping methods. – Setting up tax settings. – Setting up coupons. – Setting up the WooCommerce Blocks pages. – Setting up the menu. What if you could run one command that takes care of all these steps? Imagine you could spin up a WordPress site, create an SSH connection to that site and simply run the following command: wp package install git@github.com:nielslange/woo-test-environment.git && wp woo-test-environment setup --blocks --gutenberg --stripe --theme=storefront
This single command then executes all the steps I mentioned before. Within a few seconds, you’ll then have a complete WooCommerce testing environment! And if you run that command 100 times, you’ll have 100 identical testing sites. Now, how does that sound?
Intended Audience: Advanced developers